How an Email Audit and Business Dashboard Produced a 683% Conversion Rate Increase and a 96.7% Retention Rate
How an Email Audit and Business Dashboard Produced a 683% Conversion Rate Increase and a 96.7% Retention Rate

The Client
Marisha McGrorty, SLPNow
As a new speech language pathologist, Marisha McGrorty was enthusiastic and excited about her new career. But when changes to her school district tripled her caseload and her support dried up, she began to feel overwhelmed and lonely. She reached out to colleagues and started to blog about her experiences, which quickly turned into a membership site and web app to help other overwhelmed SLPs manage their time, manage their caseload, and inspire their therapy.
The Challenge
Growing pains
SLPNow grew so quickly that Marisha began to feel that sense of overwhelm again – this time around the task of supporting hundreds of members with thousands of materials for their practices. There were so many places she could be spending her time and energy, but it was hard to know where she should be investing – and which activities would have the biggest impact for her business.
“I was feeling really overwhelmed with all of the tasks,” Marisha said, “so part of the goal was just to more clearly define what I was doing, and where I was spending time, and what made the most sense.”
The Solution
A bird's eye-view of SLPNow
Because email is such a big driver of Marisha's business model, they started with an email audit, in which Rita mapped out her funnel with metrics to show exactly which emails were converting and which needed to be improved.
From there, Rita went on to audit the business in general, and then created a plan to support the marketing side of the business, including running Facebook ads. She created a metrics dashboard to help Marisha understand the impact of each and every marketing task Marisha undertakes.
“I really need to know the why behind why I'm doing the things that I'm doing,” Marisa said, “because there are so many different things pulling for our attention. Like if I do a Facebook Live, the dashboard makes it really easy to see how that impacts all of our numbers, so it helps me keep doing the things that are moving the needle, and it helps me really quickly see what's not working, and what isn't worth continuing.”
The dashboard has become the hub of Marisha's marketing operations – and the envy of all her entrepreneurial friends.
“[Rita] is a metrics ninja. Like her dashboard that she made, all of my entrepreneur friends are like, ”˜Oh my gosh, we need it.' A bunch of my friends have hired her, because they just want that dashboard,” she laughed.
The Result
140% email growth, 683% conversion rate increase, and 96.7% retention rate
From 2018 to 2019, the SLPNow email list has grown 140%. When her new membership app launched in July 2018, her traffic to free trial conversion rate was 4.1%; by January 2019, through a lot of optimization work with Rita, they were able to increase that to 32.1%.
And in case you were doing the math, that's a 638% increase in conversion rate!
By April 2019, her overall retention rate for her web app is 96.7% – a number that regularly makes other membership site owners gasp.
Beyond that, Rita's ability to provide a bird's eye-view of the business has made her an invaluable resource for Marisha to continue to build and grow the business.
“I don't know if I would still be in business if it wasn't for Rita,” Marisha said. “I feel like she's become a friend too. I feel like she knows my business better than anyone else. Sometimes she knows it better than I do. It's really nice to be able to run some things by her, and just have her as a second look at things.”